在ACCA考試中,有一個比較有趣的知識點值得考生關注的,它就是“Money laundering”,下面會計網就跟大家詳細介紹這個考點內容。
01、什么叫Money laundering?
有些錢款的來路不正,不是合法的,即為“黑錢”(dirty money)。把黑錢變成合法收入(clean money)的過程,就叫洗錢。
02、Money laundering三步驟
也就是把非法收入與合法收入混合放在一起。特別存在于現金大量流通的行業(cash-based business)。
而剛才說的投幣式洗衣店正是cash-based business的一種,這種特殊的行業性質特別容易有洗黑錢的風險,因為里面的任何一臺洗衣機到底收了多少錢是不知道的。
transfer of money from place to place,通過復雜的交易隱藏非法收入,轉移財產。比較常見的就是將錢款轉移到海外。這樣就加大了追查的難度
大家在考試中需要理解與背誦洗黑錢的三個步驟。當然真正在現實中,這三個步驟都是交織的。在世界各國洗錢都是一個非常嚴重的刑事犯罪行為,各個事務所都應該實行相關的反洗錢程序,于是anti-Money laundering就來了
03、如何Anti-Money laundering
AML procedures which audit firm should have in place:
1.Appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO),who should have a suitable level of seniority and experience; usually this would be a senior partner in the audit firm
指定一名位高權重的管理層作為洗錢報告官 (MLRO)
2.Conduct customer due diligence procedures. (KYC)Audit firms must establish the identity of clients using documents such as certificates of incorporation and passports, and should obtain information about business activities in order to gain an understanding of matters such as sources of income, and the rationale for business transactions
3.Enhanced record keeping. Audit firm must ensure that it maintains records of client identification procedures, and of all transactions relevant to audit clients, for example, the receipt of cash for services performed.
4.Communication and training. A training programme is essential, to ensure that individuals are aware of the relevant legislation and regulations regarding money laundering. Individuals should also be trained in the firm’s identification, record keeping and reporting policies.
04、Three categories of offence
being the offences of concealing,disguising,converting,transferring,or removing criminal property from the UK
(b)Failure to report(未報告罪)
針對的人群是一般是會計師,比如會計師雖未參與洗錢,但明知道自己的老板在洗錢,沒有向National crime agency報告,此時便是failure to report。
(c)Tipping off(通風報信罪)
例如警察要去抓捕洗錢犯,結果審計師/會計師給他打電話,通風報信,安排其逃跑。這是比較明顯的通風報信罪。另外一類需要注意的是,審計師在審計過程發現了洗錢行為,并在和罪犯交談的過程中讓罪犯發現審計師在調查他的洗錢行為,導致罪犯提前逃走,也被算作Tipping off。
在ACCA考試中,有一個比較有趣的知識點值得大家所關注的,那就是“Money laundering”,中文也就是洗黑錢的意思,下面會計網就跟大家詳解這個考點內容。
01、什么叫Money laundering?
有些錢款的來路不正,不是合法的,即為“黑錢”(dirty money)。把黑錢變成合法收入(clean money)的過程,就叫洗錢。
02、Money laundering三步驟
也就是把非法收入與合法收入混合放在一起。特別存在于現金大量流通的行業(cash-based business)。而剛才說的投幣式洗衣店正是cash-based business的一種,這種特殊的行業性質特別容易有洗黑錢的風險,因為里面的任何一臺洗衣機到底收了多少錢是不知道的。
transfer of money from place to place,通過復雜的交易隱藏非法收入,轉移財產。比較常見的就是將錢款轉移到海外。這樣就加大了追查的難度
大家在考試中需要理解與背誦洗黑錢的三個步驟。當然真正在現實中,這三個步驟都是交織的。在世界各國洗錢都是一個非常嚴重的刑事犯罪行為,各個事務所都應該實行相關的反洗錢程序,于是anti-Money laundering就來了
03、如何Anti-Money laundering
AML procedures which audit firm should have in place:
1.Appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO),who should have a suitable level of seniority and experience; usually this would be a senior partner in the audit firm指定一名位高權重的管理層作為洗錢報告官 (MLRO)
2.Conduct customer due diligence procedures. (KYC)Audit firms must establish the identity of clients using documents such as certificates of incorporation and passports, and shouldobtain information about business activities in order to gain an understanding of matters such as sources of income, and the rationale for business transactions在客戶挑選上盡職調查,避免服務有黑歷史或者疑點的公司
3.Enhanced record keeping. Audit firm must ensure that it maintains records of client identification procedures, and of all transactions relevant to audit clients, for example, the receipt of cash for services performed.在審計過程中注重記錄工作。
4.Communication and training. A training programme is essential, to ensure that individuals are aware of the relevant legislation and regulations regarding money laundering. Individuals should also be trained in the firm’s identification, record keeping and reporting policies.針對職員加強相關知識的培訓,制定相關政策,如記錄政策、報告渠道等
04、Three categories of offence
(a)Laundering(直接參與洗錢罪)being the offences of concealing,disguising,converting,transferring,or removing criminal property from the UK
(b)Failure to report(未報告罪)針對的人群是一般是會計師,比如會計師雖未參與洗錢,但明知道自己的老板在洗錢,沒有向National crime agency報告,此時便是failure to report。
(c)Tipping off(通風報信罪)例如警察要去抓捕洗錢犯,結果審計師/會計師給他打電話,通風報信,安排其逃跑。這是比較明顯的通風報信罪。另外一類需要注意的是,審計師在審計過程發現了洗錢行為,并在和罪犯交談的過程中讓罪犯發現審計師在調查他的洗錢行為,導致罪犯提前逃走,也被算作Tipping off。
相信大家在備考ACCA時,都會遇到一個比較有趣的考點,就是Money laundering,中文翻譯為洗黑錢,接下來,會計網就為大家深入講解這個考點內容。
01、什么叫Money laundering?
有些錢款的來路不正,不是合法的,即為“黑錢”(dirty money)。把黑錢變成合法收入(clean money)的過程,就叫洗錢。
02、Money laundering三步驟
也就是把非法收入與合法收入混合放在一起。特別存在于現金大量流通的行業(cash-based business)。
而剛才說的投幣式洗衣店正是cash-based business的一種,這種特殊的行業性質特別容易有洗黑錢的風險,因為里面的任何一臺洗衣機到底收了多少錢是不知道的。
transfer of money from place to place,通過復雜的交易隱藏非法收入,轉移財產。比較常見的就是將錢款轉移到海外。這樣就加大了追查的難度
大家在考試中需要理解與背誦洗黑錢的三個步驟。當然真正在現實中,這三個步驟都是交織的。在世界各國洗錢都是一個非常嚴重的刑事犯罪行為,各個事務所都應該實行相關的反洗錢程序,于是anti-Money laundering就來了
03、如何Anti-Money laundering
AML procedures which audit firm should have in place:
1.Appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO),who should have a suitable level of seniority and experience; usually this would be a senior partner in the audit firm
指定一名位高權重的管理層作為洗錢報告官 (MLRO)
2.Conduct customer due diligence procedures. (KYC)Audit firms must establish the identity of clients using documents such as certificates of incorporation and passports, and should obtain information about business activities in order to gain an understanding of matters such as sources of income, and the rationale for business transactions
3.Enhanced record keeping. Audit firm must ensure that it maintains records of client identification procedures, and of all transactions relevant to audit clients, for example, the receipt of cash for services performed.
4.Communication and training. A training programme is essential, to ensure that individuals are aware of the relevant legislation and regulations regarding money laundering. Individuals should also be trained in the firm’s identification, record keeping and reporting policies.
04、Three categories of offence
being the offences of concealing,disguising,converting,transferring,or removing criminal property from the UK
(b)Failure to report(未報告罪)
針對的人群是一般是會計師,比如會計師雖未參與洗錢,但明知道自己的老板在洗錢,沒有向National crime agency報告,此時便是failure to report。
(c)Tipping off(通風報信罪)
例如警察要去抓捕洗錢犯,結果審計師/會計師給他打電話,通風報信,安排其逃跑。這是比較明顯的通風報信罪。另外一類需要注意的是,審計師在審計過程發現了洗錢行為,并在和罪犯交談的過程中讓罪犯發現審計師在調查他的洗錢行為,導致罪犯提前逃走,也被算作Tipping off。
Organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, which controlsits own performance and which has a boundary separating it from its environment.
Limited companies
A limited company has a separate legal personality from its owners (shareholders). The shareholders can not normally be sued for the debts of the business unless they have given some personal guarantee. Their risk is generally restricted to the amount that they have invested in the company when they buy the shares. This is called limited liability.
Internal stakeholders
Internal stakeholders are intimately connected to the organization, and their objectives are likely to have a strong influence on how it is run, such as employees, managers.
Connected stakeholders
Connectedstakeholders can be viewed as having a contractualrelationship outside the organization, such as shareholders; customers;suppliers; finance providers.The objective of satisfying shareholders is taken as the the prime objective whichthe management of the organization will need to fulfill, however, customers andfinanciers objectives must be met if the company is tosucceed.
External stakeholders
External stakeholders include community at large; environmental pressure groups; government; trade union. This group will have quite diverse objectives and have varying ability to ensure that organization meets their objectives.
Primary/ secondary stakeholder
Primary stakeholder has a contractual relationship with the org.
定義的重點:與企業有合同關系的。舉例:Internal/ connected stakeholder。
Secondary stakeholder not has a contractual relationship outside the org.
定義的重點:與企業沒有合同關系的,舉例:external stakeholder。
Microeconomics focuses on how theindividual partsof an economy make decisions about how to allocate scarce resources。
定義的重點: 關注個體部分的發展,分配稀缺資源。
Macroeconomics is the study of the aggregated effort of the decisions of individual economic units. It looks at a complete national economy,or the international economic system as a whole.
An increase in price levels generally; the decline in the purchasing power of money。
Fiscal policy
Fiscal policy is a kind of government policy which focuses on taxation,public borrowing and public spending.
定義的重點: 政府的政策。舉例:稅收、政府借款、政府開銷。
Monetary policy
Monetary policy is kind of government policy which uses money supply ,interest rates,exchange rates or credit control to influence aggregate demand.
定義的重點: 政府的政策。舉例:貨幣供應、利率、匯率、信貸控制。
A)Economic factors(Encourage and discourage certain types of activity:用來鼓勵或者抑制某些特定類型的活動,比如為了國民健康的角度考慮,煙酒的稅率相對較高,一定程度上增大了消費成本)
B)Social factors(Redistribute income and wealth:對收入或者財富的再分配,納稅的金額是根據收入的高低呈階梯狀分布的,可以簡單理解為收入越高或財富累計值越多的人,需要繳納的稅賦也越多。通過這種累進稅progressive tax的方式,可以一定程度上調節社會的貧富差距。)
C)Environmental factors(To deal with environmental concerns like global warming:可以通過稅收的調節提高國民環保的意識,比如高排車征稅多,而環境友好型或者電動車會更多地被鼓勵使用。)
02、稅賦的類型different types of taxes
A) Direct taxes直接稅
是由承擔納稅義務的人直接向稅務局納稅,而不是繳納給商家/賣家。常見的稅賦類型包括了Income tax,Corporation tax,National insurance contribution,Capital gains tax,Inheritance tax幾種。
B) Indirect taxes間接稅
不是直接將稅交給稅務局,而是交給商家/賣家,由其代交給稅務局。所以向稅務局納稅的人,并不是直接承擔納稅義務方。Value added tax增值稅是一個典型的例子。
C) Revenue taxes收入稅
這個指的是根據納稅人的收入水平征收的稅,一般來說收入越高,納稅越多。常見的稅賦類型包括了Income tax,Corporation tax(on income profits的部分),National insurance contribution幾種。
D) Capital taxes資本稅
這個是由于資產自身的增值等帶來了資本利得或者財富,進而征收的稅款。一般來說增值越多,價值越高,納稅越多。常見的稅賦類型包括了Capital gains tax,Corporation tax(on capital gains的部分),Inheritance tax幾種。
03、英國稅收系統UK tax system
根據英國的稅收系統基本框架結構及其部門設置,可將主線分為兩條。一邊是負責做事情的財政部Her Majesty’s Treasury,另一邊是負責監管的皇家檢察署Crown Prosecution Service(CPS)。
A) 財政部Her Majesty’s Treasury
財政部下設稅務及海關總署Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs(HMRC),其中又細分為Officers of Revenue and Customs對稅款進行核對,以及Receivable Management Officers對具體款項進行征收。
B) 皇家檢察署Crown Prosecution Service(CPS)
皇家檢察署下設稅務法庭Tax Tribunal稅務法庭,主要分成一級法院First tier tribunal(針對金額小的,案件簡單,即Basic cases; standard cases; Paper cases)和二級法院Upper tribunal(針對金額大的,案件復雜,即Complex case)。
當一級法院First Tier Tribunal無法做決定時,可以進一步匯報給二級法院Upper Tribunal,或者再由二級法院Upper Tribunal再進一步匯報到法庭Court of Appeal.
04、具有法律效力的幾大法案來源Different sources of revenue law
A) Acts of Parliament議會成文法案
B) Statutory Instruments法定文書
C) Case law判例法
D) 除此之外稅務局還會出具一些公開的信息,統稱為 HMRC publication, 起輔助稅務管理的作用,但是不具法律效力:
(a) Statements of practice, setting out how they intend to apply the law
(b) Extra-statutory concessions, setting out circumstances in which they will not apply the strict letter of the law where it would be unfair
(c) A wide range of explanatory leaflets
(d) Revenue and Customs Brief. This is gives HMRC's view on specific points
(e) The Internal Guidance, a series of manuals used by HMRC staff
05、節稅與逃稅Tax avoidance and tax evasion
A)Tax avoidance節稅
指的是合理避稅,也就是說通過稅務籌劃tax planning的方式,在不違法法律條款的前提下,來達到減免稅賦reduce tax burden的目的。
B)Tax evasion逃稅
指的是逃稅漏稅,也就是說通過誤導稅務局Misleading HMRC的方式,暗中篡改數據或事實,故意隱瞞某些特定信息suppressing information或者故意提供虛假信息deliberately providing false information,以此來達到少交稅的目的。
06、道德相關問題Ethical and professional issues
A)The accountant has a responsibility to advise the client of the error, omission or failure and recommend that disclosure be made to HMRC.
B)If the client does not correct the error, omission or failure , the accountant should cease to act for the client and inform the client in writing.
A)The accountant should also notify HMRC that the accountant no longer acts for the client but should not provide details of the reason for ceasing to act.
B)Report the client's refusal and the facts surrounding it to the Money Laundering Reporting Officer.
C)The accountant must not disclose to the client that such a report has been made because it would be likely to prejudice investigation and this might constitute the criminal offence of 'tipping-off'.
Question 1:‘Teeming and lading’is used to describe which of the following:
A Where money flows are so substantial that diversion of large sums can go unnoticed
B A fraud where purchase ledger payments are misdirected to overseas accounts
C A personal expenses fraud involving fictitious expense vouchers
D A fraud where receipts from customers are misappropriated
這道題看似清新脫俗,實則暗藏殺機?題目中問下列哪個是Teeming and lading,那我們首先來回顧一下啥是Teeming and lading:
Basically, teeming and lading is the theft of cash or cheque receipts. Setting subsequent receipts, not necessarily from the same customer, against the outstanding debt conceals the theft.
Teeming and lading挪用現金,截留移用,也就是拆了東墻補西墻,先把眼前這筆錢偷走,然后用后面的賬把這個窟窿補上,一次又一次的補窟窿,從而吞掉眼前那筆錢。了解概念以后,是不是躍躍欲試呢,那我們再次回歸這道題當中~
A選項,資金流動如此之大以至于大筆資金的轉移可能被忽視。這話聽起來還真有點懵呢,好像很有道理的樣子,果真如此嗎,可不要忘記我們的題目中teeming and lading的概念,這里的A選項并沒有提到把其他地方的錢補在另一個地方,所以不要被迷惑哦~
Question 2:In an appraisal interview, the manager tells the subordinate how he has been assessed – good and bad–and then gives him a chance to put questions, suggest improvement targets, explain shortcomings and identify problems.Using Maier's classification, what is the name given to this approach to appraisal interviewing?
A Tell and sell B Tell and listen
C Problem solving D Sell and listen
A選項,Tell and sell:The manager tells the subordinate how she/he been assessed , and then tries to ‘sell’ the evaluation and the improvement plan.這個方法的意思是,首先經理要告訴下屬他被評估的一些情況,然后經理盡力去“賣”自己的觀點以及一些提升計劃等,總之所有的主動權都保持在經理的手中,那么跟題中的意思是不符合的,所以A排除。
B選項,Tell and listen:The manager tells the subordinate how she/he has been assessed, and then invites the appraisee to respond. The manager therefore no longer dominates the interview throughout , and there is greater opportunity for coaching or counselling as opposed to pure direction.這個方法的意思是經理先告訴下屬他被評估的情況,然后經理邀請被評估者去回應這個評估,也就是經理不再是這場評估的主導者,而是給了下屬更多的機會參與其中,再回到題目中,題目中的經理也是給了員工一個機會去提出問題,談些自己的想法,所以這是一個先有tell,再有sell的過程,因此B選項符合題意。
C選項,Problem solving:The manager abandons the role of critic altogether , and becomes a coach and helper. The employee is encouraged to think solutions through, and to commit to the recognized need for personal management.這個方法的意思是經理放棄批評者的角色,成為教練和幫助者,雇員被鼓勵自己思考解決問題的方式,所以相比于前兩種方法,這種方式少了tell的過程,更多的是雇員自己的思考。但是也不符合題意,因為題目中是有經理tell的過程,所以排除C。
D選項,干擾項,Maier’s three approaches指的只有前三個哦。
在ACCA考試中,Throughput Accounting一直都是PM科目中比較難理解的考點,對此,會計網今天就跟大家詳解這個重難點內容,我們來看看吧。
Just in time(JIT):JIT是一種管理理念。在JIT下,企業注重運營效率,目標是生產所需要的產品,而不是庫存。在JIT管理理念下,一般使用Throughput accounting進行成本核算。
Key points:JIT的特征是不喜歡存貨,按照訂單生產和采購。
Theory of constraints(TOC):Bottleneck determines the whole production capacity of the organisation.
Key points:
a. External & Internal:瓶頸可以是內部的也可以是外部的,但是外部的難以管理。
b. There is one and only one bottleneck:有且僅有一個瓶頸。
c. Five steps for dealing with a bottleneck activity(identify-exploit-subordinate-elevate-return)找到瓶頸-充分利用-其他流程協作-提升瓶頸-重新定義新的瓶頸。
Calculation of profit
Key points:
a. Value of inventory=Material cost
b. Throughput=Sales revenue of sales volume- Direct material purchase costs,所以要想throughput最大化必須要讓采購進來的存貨盡快銷售出去產生銷售收入。
c. 在TA中,只有material cost是變動成本,其余的包括labour cost都是固定成本,寫法有:Operational expenses/Total Factory costs/Conversion cost/Fixed cost,但是需要注意Factory costs≠Factory overhead,Factory overhead只是間接的固定成本,還需要在TA中特殊存在的直接的固定成本,通常就是labour cost (factory overhead+labour cost=factory costs)。
03、Throughput accounting ratio(TPAR)
Key points:
1. 計算TPAR
Return per factory hour需要注意分子和分母的單位都是per unit(單位金額、單位數量)
Cost per factory hour需要注意分子分母都是total(總金額、總數量),如果是同一個工廠里面生產的產品,Cost per factory hour是相等的。
2. 提升TPAR
提升TPAR的分子Return per factory hour:
分子:(Sales revenue per unit-material cost per unit)
分母:Bottleneck resources per unit ↓,每一單位使用的瓶頸資源減少,即瓶頸資源使用效率提升。
減少TPAR的分母Cost per factory hour:
分子:Total factory cost ↓,也就是總的固定成本減少。
分母:Total bottleneck resources ↑,總的可使用瓶頸資源增加,也就是產能增加。
3. 最優生產計劃:TPAR越大越好。
Step 1:找到瓶頸資源;
Step 2:計算TPAR(如果是同一個工廠內生產的產品可以直接通過return per factory hour進行比較)
Step 3:按照計算出來的TPAR或者return per factory hour進行排序,越大的越先生產。(如果有已經簽了合同的產品,優先滿足合同,再考慮TPAR的生產計劃)
04、Advantages & Disadvantages
1)reduce inventory holding cost減少存貨持有量
2)value for money allocation of scarece resource對稀缺資源的價值分配
3)encourage short-term maximization鼓勵關注短期最大化
4)cost benefit analysis成本效益分析
2)risk of stock out缺貨風險
在ACCA考試中,Disposal of subsidiary經常都會出現在試卷里,對于初次報名的考生,很多人不太了解這考點內容,今天會計網就跟大家進行講解。
首先,在母公司的單體報表中,投資子公司時會計處理如下: DR Investment in subsidiary CR Cash
因此對子公司的投資作為Investment in subsidiary出現Profit/loss on disposal = Proceeds (fair value of consideration received) – carrying amount of the investment disposed of
其中proceed是母公司獲得的處置收入,carrying amount of the investment disposed of是母公司單體報表中這筆投資的賬面價值。
02 、在集團報表中
在集團報表中,不會出現Investment in subsidiary,而是將其拆為子公司的資產負債,因此在合并報表中母公司的投資價值以子公司的資產、負債和收購后子公司的權益變動出現。
在母公司不完全控股的情況下,集團報表中存在NCI,當母公司處置子公司后,集團報表中的NCI、子公司凈資產和商譽處置后都不存在,因此在計算處置利得或損失時,公式如下:Group profit/loss on disposal = fair value of consideration received + NCI at disposal – carrying amount of net asset in S at date of disposal – Goodwill at disposal
單體報表和集團報表的計算差異在于單體報表不存在NCI, 而集團報表存在NCI
另外需要提醒大家的是:NCI是權益科目,在合并報表的Equity 項下
03 、兩道題分析
1.Wind purchased 80% of the ordinary shares Snow for $8 million many years ago and holds the investment in its individual statement of financial position at cost. On 30 September 20X3, Wind disposed of its shares in Snow for $20 million in cash.
What is the profit arising on the disposal of the shares that will be recorded in Wind’s individual statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X3?
下面我們來分析本題:Individual statement of P/L表示本題計算的是單體報表的處置利得或損失
Profit/loss on disposal = Proceeds (fair value of consideration received) – carrying amount of the investment disposed of =20000K-8000K=12000K,即為本題答案。
2. On 30 lune 20X4, the Tea group disposed of its 60% holding in the ordinary shares of Coffee for $30 million in cash. The non-controlling interest at the acquisition date was measured at its fair value of $4.4 million.
Coffee's net assets at the acquisition and the disposal date were $10 million and $16 million respectively. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of Coffee of $2 million had been fully impaired by the disposal date.
What is the profit or loss arising on the disposal of Coffee that will be recorded in the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X4?
A Profit of $20.0 million B Profit of $18.2 millionC Profit of $20.4 million D Profit of $20.2 million
下面來分析本題:Consolidated statement of P/L表示本題計算合并報表的處置利得或損失
首先計算處置當天NCI的數值。由于本題使用公允價值計量NCI,因此商譽的減值有一部分要分給NCI:NCI at disposal = 4400K+ (16000K-10000K)*40%-2000K*40%=6000K
另外注意處置當天商譽的價值減值到0,因此:Group profit/loss on disposal = fair value of consideration received + Fair value of NCI – Carrying amount at date of disposal– Goodwill at disposal = 30000K+6000K-16000K-0=20000K=20m
DR Investment in subsidiary CR Cash,
因此對子公司的投資作為Investment in subsidiary出現:
Profit/loss on disposal = Proceeds (fair value of consideration received) – carrying amount of the investment disposed of
其中proceed是母公司獲得的處置收入,carrying amount of the investment disposed of是母公司單體報表中這筆投資的賬面價值。
2. 在集團報表中,不會出現Investment in subsidiary,而是將其拆為子公司的資產負債,因此在合并報表中母公司的投資價值以子公司的資產、負債和收購后子公司的權益變動出現在母公司不完全控股的情況下,集團報表中存在NCI,當母公司處置子公司后,集團報表中的NCI、子公司凈資產和商譽處置后都不存在,因此在計算處置利得或損失時,公式如下:
Group profit/loss on disposal = fair value of consideration received + NCI at disposal – carrying amount of net asset in S at date of disposal – Goodwill at disposal
單體報表和集團報表的計算差異在于單體報表不存在NCI, 而集團報表存在NCI。
另外需要提醒大家的是:NCI是權益科目,在合并報表的Equity 項下處置時一定要注意用的是處置時NCI的價值,有些題目會給大家收購時NCI的價值,這時大家需要用公式:收購時NCI價值+收購后子公司權益的變動*NCI控股=處置時的NCI的價值來算出處置時的NCI。
1. Wind purchased 80% of the ordinary shares Snow for $8 million many years ago and holds the investment in its individual statement of financial position at cost. On 30 September 20X3, Wind disposed of its shares in Snow for $20 million in cash.
What is the profit arising on the disposal of the shares that will be recorded in Wind’s individual statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X3? $
Individual statement of P/L表示本題計算的是單體報表的處置利得或損失,因此本題要計算母公司收到的處置收入和處置時這筆投資在母公司單體報表的賬面價值。
Profit/loss on disposal = Proceeds (fair value of consideration received) – carrying amount of the investment disposed of =20000K-8000K=12000K,即為本題答案。
2. On 30 lune 20X4, the Tea group disposed of its 60% holding in the ordinary shares of Coffee for $30 million in cash. The non-controlling interest at the acquisition date was measured at its fair value of $4.4 million.
Coffee's net assets at the acquisition and the disposal date were $10 million and $16 million respectively. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of Coffee of $2 million had been fully impaired by the disposal date.
What is the profit or loss arising on the disposal of Coffee that will be recorded in the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X4?
A Profit of $20.0 million B Profit of $18.2 million
C Profit of $20.4 million D Profit of $20.2 million
Consolidated statement of P/L表示本題計算合并報表的處置利得或損失。
NCI at disposal = 4400K+ (16000K-10000K)*40%-2000K*40%=6000K
Group profit/loss on disposal = fair value of consideration received + Fair value of NCI – Carrying amount at date of disposal– Goodwill at disposal = 30000K+6000K-16000K-0=20000K=20m
1) 拿到一個近一頁半A4紙的案例分析,同學們可以先花2秒冷靜一下,平復心情。
例如:Jungle Co的題目“Discuss the financial and non-financial performance of Jungle Co for the year ending 31 August 20X6. ” 考察重點在“討論”而非“計算”,所以計算只有7分,文字討論13分。
2) 一定要讀完全部案例,聯系案例中所給的全部信息為自己做一個答題計劃。
I. 找到你想要計算的數據,比如:sales,profit,profit margins等等,用高光筆在題目中標記出來。
II. 找到你要用來做比較的標準,比如:當前的數據是與前一個時期比較?與目標進行比較?與行業平均值進行比較?與競爭對手比較?等等
III. 計算差異或變化,比如:投訴率從6%增加到12%,在陳述發生的變化時不應該說投訴率增加了6%,而是應該說投訴率比上一期增加了100%。要突出的是一個相對的變化,而非絕對數值。同樣地,如果收入從$1million變為$2million,應該陳述的變化是百分比的形式,增長了100%。
IV. 基于計算結果給出自己的意見:為什么會發生這樣的變化?給出可能的原因。這里的“可能的原因”是要聯系案例分析的,如果不能聯系案例信息而憑空捏造是不會得分的。比如,Jungle Co 在household revenue上出現了5.3%的下滑,這有可能是因為從Slabak進口的產品質量不良導致的。這些都是案例分析已經給的現成答案。
V. 文章的最后別忘了寫一個兩句話的總結,總結就是直接回答問題,不需要再計算,直接回答這個公司到底是做好了還是沒做好。
同學們可以先看看Jungle Co這道題的官方答案
要寫成參考答案這樣子,是不可能的,至少對于99.9%的PM中國考生來說,是不可能的,排除極少數考ACCA的雅思9分大神。ACCA官方也沒有期盼大家寫成標準答案的樣子。以下這份Jungle Co的答案是官方technical article中所說的“good answer”. 大家可以先看看:
15% increase in total revenue
This is a good sign. It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because 'prices are stable', and/or the new cloud service is expanding. But, we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this (see below).
32.7% increase in net margin
This is excellent sign. It’s linked to the lower cost of sales from Slabak imports and the launch of cloud computing, which is probably a higher-margin product (for example, no distribution costs for IT services).
60.5% increase in admin expenses
This is a problem because admin costs are usually fixed. This is linked to the big increase in customer service costs, which, in turn, is probably related to the lower quality of the new supplier which is causing more complaints (see below).
5.3% drop in household goods revenue
This is a worrying sign – it could be linked to the possible drop in quality from the Slabak imports.
28.3% change in electronic goods revenue
This is another positive signal. It shows that Jungle is outperforming the average market growth of 20%, which means they are gaining market share.
225% increase in late deliveries
This is a major problem. It‘s linked to the move to in-house logistics. Clearly Jungle Co can’t match the quality of the external, international suppliers. Jungle Co needs to address this as it threatens future growth of the business.
300% increase in % of customers who complain
This is another major problem. It’s linked to both the outsourcing of production to Slabak, and the move to in-house logistics (mentioned above). Clearly Jungle Co has serious internal process problems that will negatively affect their reputation.
We see mostly good news from the financial indicators: sales, margins, and profits are generally increasing. However, the non-financial information paints a different picture as we see serious problems emerging with Jungle Co’s quality and logistics. Jungle Co needs to address these issues if they want their financial success to continue in the long term.
我們首先來看看關于數據變化的分析是怎么寫的。每一個數據改變都用一個自然段來寫,這樣會很清晰,容易拿分。首先,用你計算出來的改變量作為標題,比如“15% increase in total revenue”。其次,給出你的意見,這個改變是好是壞?,比如“This is a good sign”,這個觀點本身是不得分的,一定要解釋原因,比如“It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because 'prices are stable', and/or the new cloud service is expanding. But, we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this (see below).” 圖解如下:
1. 看calculation的分值,比如,Jungle Co計算7分,那就挑7個數據,正如”good answer”也只用了7個數據。
2. 7個數據應該來自不同的績效評估領域,比如:財務/非財務,生產成本/管理成本。如果有N種產品的收入成本數據細分,應該每種產品挑一兩個數據。例如,“good answer”中挑選的7個指標都是分布在以上各個領域當中的。因為考試評分是按照各個評估的領域來給分的,比如“一個領域最高4分”,所以,這種方式可以幫助“求過”的同學盡可能多拿分數。對于大神級別的同學,請逐個數據一一作答,畢竟,你背負著老師和同學的希望。
對于文章最后的conclusion,同學們可用兩句話總結之前計算的數據, 如“good answer”中的 “overall,…”。
最后再說一些考試的評分標準,ACCA考試適用“own figure rule”,也就是說,如果你某一步的計算錯誤是由于之前的數據算錯了導致的,這一步不會扣分,只會扣最開始算出錯那一步的分,所以,寶寶們不要浪費時間在檢查數據上,即便你覺得自己算錯了,就用錯的數據進行討論吧,我相信大多數人考試時間是很緊張的。
In the context of the English legal system,which of the following courts ONLY has civil jurisdiction?
A Magistrates’ Court
B County Court
C High Court
解析:本題考查的是民事法庭系統(Civil Court),難度適中。
在英國法庭系統中,哪個法庭只有民事管轄權。County Court只有民事管轄權,處理幾乎所有類型的民事案件。本題還需要強調Magistrates Court,治安法庭主要審理刑事案件,是刑事案件的起點,但是也有民事管轄權。主要有兩種:①Family proceedings ②Enforcement of local authority charges and rates
關于法庭系統的題目,需要認真讀題,區分清楚民事法庭系統(Civil Court)和刑事法庭系統(Criminal Court)中所有法庭各自的管轄權。
Imran claims that Zak owes him £1,000 as a result of a breach of contract. In which court will Imran start his action against Zak?
A The County Court
B The High Court
C The Magistrates’ Court
解析:本題考查的是民事案件的訴訟流程(Civil procedure),難度適中。
Imran聲稱Zak因違反合同而欠他£1,000。問Imran將在哪個法庭對Zak提起訴訟。本案涉及的金額是 £1,000,低于£10,000,所以是Small claims track,在County Court審理。
民事案件的訴訟流程(Civil procedure)分為三類:
a. 涉案金額低于£10,000的,為Small claims track,在County Court審理;
b. 涉案金額在£10,000到£25,000之間的,為Fast track,在County Court審理;
c. 涉案金額高于£25,000的,為Multi-track,在High Court審理。
再對比一下刑事案件的訴訟流程(Criminal produce):
a. Summary offences,輕微犯罪,在Magistrates’ Court審理;
b. Indictable offences,嚴重犯罪,在Crown Court審理;
c. Triable either way,這種類型的犯罪的審判法庭,被告可以在Magistrates’ Court和Crown Court之間選擇。
Dan has been accused of a criminal offence and is due to be tried soon.He denies responsibility,claiming that the prosecution has no evidence that he committed the offence in question.
Which of the following describes the standard of proof in a criminal case?
A On the balance of probability
B On the balance of certainty
C Beyond reasonable doubt
D Beyond evident doubt
解析:本題考查的是刑事案件的舉證標準(standard of proof),難度適中。
Dan被指控為刑事犯罪,并且即將被審判。但是他推卸責任,聲稱prosecution沒有證據證明他的罪行。問刑事案件的舉證標準是什么。刑事案件的舉證標準為Beyond reasonable doubt,排除合理懷疑。選C。
A選項,Balance of probability,是民事案件的舉證標準。B,D選項,沒有這種說法。
另外需要強調的是,能夠區分Burden of proof 和 Standare of proof.Burden of proof是舉證責任,問的是舉證責任在誰身上。一般的原則是誰主張誰舉證,即原告舉證。民事案件中是Claimant舉證,刑事案件中是Prosecution舉證。
(1) In the context of case law,which of the following applies to an obiter dictum?
A It is not binding outside the court it was issued in
B It is binding on all lower courts
C It is binding on all future courts
D It is not binding on any courts
(2) In the context of the English legal system,which of the following defines the ratio decidendi of a judgement?
A The decision in a previous case
B The facts of the case
C The future application of the case
D The legal reason for deciding the case
解析:本題考查的是遵循先例原則(Doctrine of precedent),難度適中。
先例的內容分為兩部分:Ratio Decidendi和Obiter Dicta。Obiter Dicta是statements made by the way,法官對于案件的附帶說明,本身并沒有法律約束力。后面的法官可以參考,不需要遵循。Ratio Decidendi是the reason for the decision,判決理由,說明是如何按照法律原則來判決的,具有法律約束力。
遵循先例原則里面的這兩個拉丁文-Ratio Decidendi和Obiter Dicta是非常重要的考點,需要準確記憶??碱}經常會把兩者放在一起進行區分對比。
很快又要到2020年12月份ACCA考季了,最近有考生在備考時,有關CVP analysis這部分的真題不知道該如何入手,針對此情況,會計網就跟大家重點講解下關于CVP analysis知識考點。
The Alka Hotel is situated in a major city close to many theatres and restaurants.
The Alka Hotel has 25 double bedrooms and it charges guests $180 per room per night, regardless of single or double occupancy. The hotel’s variable cost is $60 per occupied room per night.
The Alka Hotel is open for 365 days a year and has a 70% budgeted occupancy rate. Fixed costs are budgeted at $600,000 a year and accrue evenly throughout the year.During the first quarter (Q1) of the year the room occupancy rates are significantly below the levels expected at other times of the year with the Alka Hotel expecting to sell 900 occupied room nights during Q1. Options to improve profitability are being considered, including closing the hotel for the duration of Q1 or adopting one of two possible projects as follows:
Project 1-Theatre package
For Q1 only the Alka Hotel management would offer guests a ‘theatre package’. Couples who pay for two consecutive nights at a special rate of $67·50 per room night will also receive a pair of theatre tickets for a payment of $100. The theatre tickets are very good value and are the result of long negotiation between the Alka Hotel management and the local theatre. The theatre tickets cost the Alka Hotel $95 a pair. The Alka Hotel’s fixed costs specific to this project (marketing and administration) are budgeted at $20,000.The hotel’s management believes that the ‘theatre package’ will have no effect on their usual Q1 customers, who are all business travellers and who have no interest in theatre tickets, but will still require their usual rooms.
Project 2-Restaurant
There is scope to extend the Alka Hotel and create enough space to operate a restaurant for the benefit of its guests.The annual costs, revenues and volumes for the combined restaurant and hotel are illustrated in the following graph:
Note: The graph does not include the effect of the ‘theatre package’ offer.
(a) Using the current annual budgeted figures, and ignoring the two proposed projects, calculate the breakeven number of occupied room nights and the margin of safety as a percentage. (4 marks)
(b) Ignoring the two proposed projects, calculate the budgeted profit or loss for Q1 and explain whether the hotel should close for the duration of Q1. (4 marks)
(c) Calculate the breakeven point in sales value of Project 1 and explain whether the hotel should adopt the project. (4 marks)
(d) Using the graph, quantify and comment upon the financial effect of Project 2 on the Alka Hotel. Note: There are up to four marks available for calculations. (8 marks)
(a) 計算BEP和margin of safety as a percentage,結合上一步的分析,確定按照一個計算兩分寫;(需要注意的是,考生做題的時候過程盡量寫詳細,結果算錯了但是過程正確是有分的)
(b) 忽略這兩個項目,計算第一季度的預算利潤或虧損,并解釋酒店是否應該在第一季度關閉?;究梢钥闯鍪莄alculate和explain一個兩分。
(c) 計算項目1的BER,說明酒店是否應該采用該項目?;究梢钥闯鍪莄alculate和explain一個兩分。
(d) 利用圖表,量化并評論項目2對Alka酒店的財務影響。下面批注了計算可以占4分,剩下四分是文字。
以上是對問題的分析,可以看出前面兩個問題都是和project 1&2沒有關系的,所以先帶著前兩個問題看Project 1-Theatre package之前的背景。然后再分別看第三個和第四個問題。
(a)\(b)問先讀Project 1-Theatre package之前:
? 25 double bedrooms,$180 per room per night:25間雙人房,無論是單人房還是雙人房,每個房間每晚收費180美元
? variable cost is $60 per occupied room per night:每間客房每晚60美元
? 365 days a year, 70% budgeted occupancy rate
? Fixed costs $600,000 a year ? First quarter (Q1) sell 900 occupied room nights
(a) 問的是計算,先把公式寫上,然后帶入數據。帶數據過程中發現由某一個數據是題中沒有告訴的,建議寫Working,因為機考時EXCEL表格不能插入行。
BEP= Fixed cost/contribution per room per night= $600,000 /$120(W1)=5000 occupied room nightsMargin of safety as a percentage= (Budgeted room occupancy – breakeven room occupancy)/budgeted room occupancy=(6387.5(w2)-5000)/6387.5(w2)=21.72%
Working 1:
Contribution per room=sales price per room per night-variable cost=$180-$60=$120 per room per night
Working 2:
Budgeted room occupancy=25 double bedrooms*365 days a year*70% budgeted occupancy rate=6387.5 occupied room nights
Profit or loss for Q1:
Total Contribution=Contribution per room*occupied room nights=$120*900=$108000
Profit/loss=total contribution-FC=$108000-$600,000*(3/12)= $-42000(一定要注意這里的FC只算一個季度的,也就是3個月)
Explain whether the hotel should close for the duration of Q1:
所以最后觀點是should not close,書寫過程為:The Alka Hotel should not close in Q1.(先把觀點擺出來)The fixed costs will still be incurred and closure would result in lost contribution of $108,000. This in turn would result in a decrease in annual profits of $108,000. (根據背景解釋原因)In addition, the hotel could lose customers at other times of the year, particularly their regular business customers, who may perceive the hotel as being unreliable.(開腦洞,根據實際情況去分析有可能出現的情況,這一點不一定和答案相同,言之有理即可)
? two consecutive nights at a special rate of $67.50 per room night will also receive a pair of theatre tickets for a payment of $100.:連續兩晚以67.50美元/間的特殊價格入住的夫婦還將獲得兩張劇院門票。也就是sales price=$67.50*2+$100=$235
.? theatre tickets cost $95 a pair
? fixed costs specific to this project $20,000.
(c)問的是計算結合文字,習慣寫法是先把計算寫出來,然后再分析。需要注意的是本小問的項目是一個單獨的項目,對原來的客戶沒有影響(have no effect on their usual Q1 customers),所以評估的時候也是單獨評估。
BER of project 1=Fixed cost / C/S ratio=$20,000/8.51%(w3)=$ 235017.63
Working 3:注意收入和變動成本都是由兩個部分組成。Sales price=$67.50*2+$100=$235VC=$60*2+$95=$215Contribution=$235-$215=$20C/S ratio=$40/$235.=8.51%
Explain whether the hotel should adopt the project:
從上面的計算可以看出,單位貢獻是$20比較低,如果要讓contribution覆蓋掉固定成本$20,000,需要1000個兩晚+影院票賣出去,也就是2000 occupied room nights。Q1可獲得的房間數是25*365*(3/12)=2281.25 room nights,其中正常的客戶需要900晚,所以是不夠的,should not adopt project 1.
Project 1 is not viable at the quoted prices.(通常習慣把結論放前面,讓考官明確你的觀點)
The unit contribution per theatre package is low and it requires a large number of sales to break even. Each theatre package would require two room nights to be sold which would mean 2,000 room nights needed in Q1 to break even. (需要的)
The available rooms for Q1 are only 2,281·25 (9,125/4) and the Alka Hotel has already sold 900 rooms, so there is insufficient capacity. (可獲得的)
? 銷售收入:找到sales直線上唯一一個標了橫縱坐標的點(8000,2000000),所以sales price=2000000/80000=$250,以前是$180 per room per night,可以看出餐廳業務平均每間房每晚增加了70的收入。? 變動成本:total cost和fixed cost之間的差異就是VC,所以8000 rooms對應的VC是1560000-800000=760000,VC per room=760000/8000=$ 95 per room。相比于以前的$ 60 per room增加了$ 35 per room,這反映了餐廳業務的可變成本。? 固定成本:從600000變到了800000,因為餐廳業務增加了200000的成本;? 由于這些變化,收支平衡點從5000間客房增加到5161間客房(圖中直接看出),因此酒店需要銷售更多的客房夜來彌補成本。? 當前的預計銷售房間數是7300(圖像中),占總數的80%(7300/9125),安全邊際是(7300-5161)/7300=29.30%,這是大于當前的安全邊際的(29.30%>21.72%),風險更小了。? 利潤:sales-total cost=7300*$250-7300*$ 95 per room-800000=$331,500
Which Two statements are correct in relation to designated members in limited liability partnerships (LLPs)?
A. They have limited liability
B. They are responsible for filling the LLP’s accounts
C. They must not take part in the day-to day operation of the business
They are fully liable for partnership debt
答案:AB 本題考查的是有限責任合伙企業(LLPs)中members的責任。
解析:LLPs是擁有獨立法人資格的,所以它具體有兩個部分:1) LLPs中的members以認繳的出資額為限,承擔有限責任。所以A選項是正確答案。2) LLPs自身對其債務承擔無限責任。所以D選項錯誤。
Which of the following statements relating to limited liability partnerships is correct?
A. They must have at least one unlimited member
B. They are limited to a maximum of 20 members
C. They must have a minimum of two members
答案:C 本題考查的是有限責任合伙企業(LLPs)中members的數量。
In the context of the law of agency, an agent will not be liable for a contract in which of the following instances?
A. Where the agent intends to take the benefit of the contract and does not disclose they are acting as an agent
B. Where the agent fails to disclose that they are acting as such
C. Where the agent acts on their own behalf although claiming to be an agent
答案:B 本題考查的是代理人的責任范圍。
Ho subscribed for some partly paid-up shares in lo Ltd. The company has not been successful and Ho has been told that when lo Ltd is liquidated, he will have to pay the amount remaining unpaid on his shares. However, he is not sure to whom such payment should be made. In limited liability companies, shareholders are liable to which party for any unpaid capital?
A. Creditors
B. The directors
C. The company
D. The liquidator
答案:C 本題考查的是Ltd中股東的責任。
解析:如果股東一開始就支付了所有認繳的股票,那么他們不需要再承擔責任。如果股東一開始只支付了其中的一部分,那么剩余的部分需要補足給公司。當公司發生破產行為時,股東僅需要支付他們曾經未支付的股票(待繳出資額outstanding amount)。股東以認繳的出資額為限,承擔有限責任。所以C為正確答案。
Which of the following is indicated by the abbreviation ‘Ltd ‘ at the end of a company’s name?
A. The shares are freely transferable on the stock exchange
B. The shares are not transferable
C. The shares may not be offered to the public
答案:C 本題考查的是有限責任公司的特點。
解析:A選項,可以在證券交易所進行交易的只有listed company 上市公司,所以A選項不對。B選項,Ltd的股票是可轉讓的,比如賣給潛在的機構投資者。所以選項中not的表述是不對的。C選項,Ltd的股票不可以向公眾發行,它只能向特定的投資者和機構發行股票,所以這個選項是正確的。
2020年ACCA12月考季臨近,根據考生所反饋,大家在備考過程中碰到問題最多的就是成本技術-Throughput Accounting這個考點內容,對此,會計網今天就為大家詳解下這部分內容。
同學們需要從四個方面考慮,Background、Throughput、TPAR、Advantages & Disadvantages
? Just in time(JIT):JIT是一種管理理念。在JIT下,企業注重運營效率,目標是生產所需要的產品,而不是庫存。在JIT管理理念下,一般使用Throughput accounting進行成本核算。
Key points:JIT的特征是不喜歡存貨,按照訂單生產和采購。
? Theory of constraints(TOC):Bottleneck determines the whole production capacity of the organisation.
Key points:
a. External & Internal:瓶頸可以是內部的也可以是外部的,但是外部的難以管理。
b. There is one and only one bottleneck:有且僅有一個瓶頸。
c. Five steps for dealing with a bottleneck activity(identify-exploit-subordinate-elevate-return)找到瓶頸-充分利用-其他流程協作-提升瓶頸-重新定義新的瓶頸。
Calculation of profit
Key points:
a. Value of inventory=Material cost
b. Throughput=Sales revenue of sales volume- Direct material purchase costs,所以要想throughput最大化必須要讓采購進來的存貨盡快銷售出去產生銷售收入。
c. 在TA中,只有material cost是變動成本,其余的包括labour cost都是固定成本,寫法有:Operational expenses/Total Factory costs/Conversion cost/Fixed cost,但是需要注意Factory costs≠Factory overhead,Factory overhead只是間接的固定成本,還需要在TA中特殊存在的直接的固定成本,通常就是labour cost (factory overhead+labour cost=factory costs)。
03、Throughput accounting ratio(TPAR)
? 首先當然是讓大家瑟瑟發抖的公式要會背:
Key points:
1. 計算TPAR
Return per factory hour需要注意分子和分母的單位都是per unit(單位金額、單位數量)
Cost per factory hour需要注意分子分母都是total(總金額、總數量),如果是同一個工廠里面生產的產品,Cost per factory hour是相等的。
2. 提升TPAR
提升TPAR的分子Return per factory hour:
分子:(Sales revenue per unit-material cost per unit)↑
分母:Bottleneck resources per unit ↓,每一單位使用的瓶頸資源減少,即瓶頸資源使用效率提升。
減少TPAR的分母Cost per factory hour:
分子:Total factory cost ↓,也就是總的固定成本減少。
分母:Total bottleneck resources ↑,總的可使用瓶頸資源增加,也就是產能增加。
3. 最優生產計劃:TPAR越大越好。
Step 1:找到瓶頸資源;
Step 2:計算TPAR(如果是同一個工廠內生產的產品可以直接通過return per factory hour進行比較)
Step 3:按照計算出來的TPAR或者return per factory hour進行排序,越大的越先生產。(如果有已經簽了合同的產品,優先滿足合同,再考慮TPAR的生產計劃)
04、Advantages & Disadvantages
1)reduce inventory holding cost減少存貨持有量
2)value for money allocation of scarece resource對稀缺資源的價值分配
3)encourage short-term maximization鼓勵關注短期最大化
4)cost benefit analysis成本效益分析
2)risk of stock out缺貨風險
以上就是我們Throughput Accounting的??贾R點,建議大家計算部分該背的背一背,文字部分主要靠理解,記住關鍵詞。但是光靠看肯定是不行的,還需要大家動動手做做題,反復鞏固才可以順利通過考試哦~
說到職業道德部分的考題,主要是指對于考察Ethical threats的題型,其既可能出現在Section A的選擇題,也可能出現在Section B的問答題,但無論出現在哪部分基本都是以案例分析的形式出現,而且一般都是考察兩方面的內容:
Self-interest 自身利益
1) Undue dependence on fee income from one client.
2) Close personal or business relationships.
3) Direct financial interest in a client.
4) Concern over loss of significant client.
5) Contingent fee arrangements.
6) Member of audit team entering into employment negotiations with client.
7) The discovery of a significant error during a re-evaluation of the work undertaken by the member.
Self-review 自我評價
1) Member of assurance team being or recently having been employed by the client in a position to influence the subject matter being reviewed.
2) Involvement in implementation of financial system and subsequently reporting on the operation of said system.
3) Firm having prepared the original data used to generate records that are the subject matter of the assurance engagement, for example, preparing clients’ financial statements.
4) Performing a service for a client that directly affects the subject matter of an assurance engagement.
Advocacy 過度推介
1) Acting as an advocate on behalf of a client in litigation or disputes.
2) Promoting shares in a listed audit client.
Familiarity 親密關系
1) Long association with a client.
2) Acceptance of gifts or preferential treatment (significant value).
3) Former partner of firm being employed by client.
4) A person in a position to influence financial or non-financial reporting or business decisions having an immediate or close family member who is in a position to benefit from that influence.
Intimidation 外在壓力
1) Threat of litigation.
2) Threat of removal as assurance firm.
3) Threat of not being awarded non-audit engagements if disagree with directors’ accounting treatment.
4) Accountant threatened by audit partner of not being promoted within the firm if disagree with client.
5) Dominant personality of client director attempting to influence decisions.
6) Pressure to reduce inappropriately the extent of work performed in order to reduce fees.
第一種safeguard簡單粗暴的是Decline拒絕,適用于被審計客戶向審計師提供禮物和款待gifts and hospitality,向審計師提供特別待遇preferential treatment,或者是請求審計師替客戶打官司,代表客戶與稅務局打交道等Advocacy threat涉及到的情形,都應當直接拒絕客戶(尤其涉及禮物金額較大的情況下);
第二種常見的safeguard是Rotation of team member將“受到污染”的同事換掉,例如與被審計客戶存在各種親密關系,跟客戶商討聘用事宜,在客戶那邊有優惠利率的貸款,以及為客戶提供記賬,稅務,咨詢等服務,這類審計團隊成員都應被剔除出該項目的審計團隊;
在ACCA考試中,Ethical threats職業道德部分可是一個每年必考、較為重點的內容,同時這個考點相對來說比較簡單,是大家必拿分的內容,今天會計網就給大家總結關于Ethical threats職業道德部分內容,值得各位關注。
說到職業道德部分的考題,主要是指對于考察Ethical threats的題型,其既可能出現在Section A的選擇題,也可能出現在Section B的問答題,但無論出現在哪部分基本都是以案例分析的形式出現,而且一般都是考察兩方面的內容:
Self-interest 自身利益
1) Undue dependence on fee income from one client.
2) Close personal or business relationships.
3) Direct financial interest in a client.
4) Concern over loss of significant client.
5) Contingent fee arrangements.
6) Member of audit team entering into employment negotiations with client.
7) The discovery of a significant error during a re-evaluation of the work undertaken by the member.
Self-review 自我評價
1) Member of assurance team being or recently having been employed by the client in a position to influence the subject matter being reviewed.
2) Involvement in implementation of financial system and subsequently reporting on the operation of said system.
3) Firm having prepared the original data used to generate records that are the subject matter of the assurance engagement, for example, preparing clients’ financial statements.
4) Performing a service for a client that directly affects the subject matter of an assurance engagement.
Advocacy 過度推介
1) Acting as an advocate on behalf of a client in litigation or disputes.
2) Promoting shares in a listed audit client.
Familiarity 親密關系
1) Long association with a client.
2) Acceptance of gifts or preferential treatment (significant value).
3) Former partner of firm being employed by client.
4) A person in a position to influence financial or non-financial reporting or business decisions having an immediate or close family member who is in a position to benefit from that influence.
Intimidation 外在壓力
1) Threat of litigation.
2) Threat of removal as assurance firm.
3) Threat of not being awarded non-audit engagements if disagree with directors’ accounting treatment.
4) Accountant threatened by audit partner of not being promoted within the firm if disagree with client.
5) Dominant personality of client director attempting to influence decisions.
6) Pressure to reduce inappropriately the extent of work performed in order to reduce fees.
第一種safeguard簡單粗暴的是Decline拒絕,適用于被審計客戶向審計師提供禮物和款待gifts and hospitality,向審計師提供特別待遇preferential treatment,或者是請求審計師替客戶打官司,代表客戶與稅務局打交道等Advocacy threat涉及到的情形,都應當直接拒絕客戶(尤其涉及禮物金額較大的情況下);
第二種常見的safeguard是Rotation of team member將“受到污染”的同事換掉,例如與被審計客戶存在各種親密關系,跟客戶商討聘用事宜,在客戶那邊有優惠利率的貸款,以及為客戶提供記賬,稅務,咨詢等服務,這類審計團隊成員都應被剔除出該項目的審計團隊;
在歷年考試中,fixed overhead variance的計算以及operating statement利潤表的調節一直都是ACCA(MA)科目考試的難點,對此,會計網選取了一些歷年的經典真題,著重為大家詳解這個考點以及解題思路。
A company calculates the following under a standard absorption costing system.
(i) The sales volume margin variance
(ii) The total fixed overhead variance
(iii) The total variable overhead variance.
If a company changed to a standard marginal costing, which variances could change in value?
A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. (i) and (ii) only
D. (i) and (ii) and (iii)
題目來源:December 2011 past exam paper
A company uses a standard absorption costing system. The following figures are available for the last accounting period in which actual profit was $108000.
What was the standard profit for actual sales in the last accounting period?
A. $101000
B. $107000
C. $109000
D. $115000
題目來源:December 2012 past exam paper
考察知識點:variance的計算與理解,operating statement利潤表的調節。
A company uses standard marginal costing. Last period the following results were recorded
What was the actual contribution for the period?
A. $295000
B. $305000
C. $303000
D. $297000
題目來源:June 2017 past exam paper
考察知識點:variance的計算與理解,operating statement利潤表的調節。
A company uses a standard absorption costing system. Actual profit last period was $25000, which was $5000 less than budgeted profit.The standard profit on actual sales for the period was $15000. Only three variances occured in the period: sales volume profit variance, sale price variance and a direct material price variance.
Which of the following is a valid combination of the three variances?
題目來源:June 2014 past exam paper
考察知識點:variance的計算與理解,operating statement利潤表的調節。
折舊反映了固定資產non-current asset由于使用而逐漸損耗的價值。折舊的金額符合會計上的“配比”原則,與固定資產在使用期間產生的經濟利益相配比。
一是按月計提折舊(monthly pro- rata basis或charged proportionately in the year of purchase and disposal),按月為分配單位把每個月的折舊相加計算出全年的折舊;
二是按全年計提折舊(full year basis),題目往往會描述成——charge a full year’s depreciation in the year it is purchased and no depreciation in the year it is disposed of,指在購買當年全年計提折舊,而在處置當年不考慮折舊。另外需要注意已經提足折舊但仍在繼續使用的固定資產不再繼續計提depreciation。
(2)預計凈殘值,scrap value,在FA的考試中題目往往會提前告知
(3)使用壽命,useful life
(4)固定資產折舊方法,在FA的考試中僅考查直線法straight line method和余額遞減法reducing balance method
(5)折舊率:depreciation rate
(1)直線法straight line method:The straight line method provided that it is reasonable to assume that the business enjoys equal benefits from the use of the asst in every period throughout its life,直線法下假設資產給企業帶來的經濟收益在每年都是平均的,按照固定資產成本的百分比(折舊率)來計提每年的折舊。
直線法下每年的折舊金額是一樣的,計算公式=(cost-scrap value)/estimated useful life。
在考試中,題目往往會給出直線法下的折舊率X%,這里的X%=annual depreciation amount/(cost-scrap value)。
例如,a non-current asset costing $20000 with an expected residual value of nil and an expected useful life of 10 years.
The depreciation charge per annually is 10% of cost.
Wilson bought a machine on 1 January 20X5 for $130000. The machine was depreciated at 20% on a straight line basis with proportional charge in the year of acquisition and disposal.
On 1 April 20X8 Wilson sold the machine and made a loss on disposal of $6300.
What were the disposal proceeds that Wilson received for the machine?
固定資產從1 January 20X5持有至1 April 20X8,經過了3年3個月,題目要求按月計提折舊,在處置當天1 April 20X8:
Carrying amount=$130000-($130000*20%*3+$130000*20%*3/12)=$45500.
Loss on disposal=disposal proceeds - carrying amount=-$6300=disposal proceeds-$45500.
(2)余額遞減法 reducing balance method:The reducing balance method based on the assumption that the benefits obtained by the business from using the asset decline over time.余額遞減法假設資產為企業帶來的經濟收益不是平均的,在購買的早期資產帶來的經濟利益大,而在后期,隨著資產的逐步消耗,資產為企業帶來的收益緩慢減少。
計算公式depreciation=(cost-accumulated depreciation)*X%。
余額遞減法下的depreciation charge as X% of the carrying amount of asset,余額遞減法下的折舊等于資產在期初的賬面價值乘一個固定的折舊率,這個比率往往會由題目給出,注意在余額遞減法下每年的折舊金額計算不考慮殘值,最后一年除外(最后一年的折舊金額采用倒擠的方式,已知最后一年的期初資產賬面價值和資產的殘值,倒推最后一年的depreciation=期初賬面價值-殘值)。
A company bought an asset on 20X4/1/1 for 400000. Depreciation was charged on a reducing basis at 20%. On 20X7/1/1, the asst is revalued to market value of 520000.
How much should be recorded in the revaluation reserve at 20X7/1/1?
deprecation=400000*20%=80000,carrying value=320000;
depreciation=320000*20%=64000,carrying value=256000;
depreciation=256000*20%=51200,carrying value=204800.
Revaluation surplus=520000-204800=315200.
(4)Transfer excess depreciation to retained earnings(將重估后每年多計提的折舊轉入留存收益)是企業可以選擇的政策,不是強制的。
A company has the following budgeted costs and revenues:($ per unit)
Sales price 50
Variable production cost 18
Fixed production cost 10
In the most recent period, 2,000 units were produced and 1,000 units were sold. Actual sales price, variable production cost per unit and total fixed production costs were all as budgeted. Fixed production costs were over-absorbed by $4,000. There was no opening inventory for the period.
What would be the reduction in profit for the period if the company has used marginal costing rather than absorption costing?
A. 4,000
B. 6,000
C. 10,000
D. 14,000
解析:考察AC和MC下利潤調整公式AC=MC+OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory); Opening inventory + Production-Sales = Closing inventory;
得出Closing inventory- Opening inventory= Production-Sales=2000-1000=1000;最終AC-MC= OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory)=10*1000=10000。MC= AC-OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory)=26000-10*1000=16000
The following data relates to a company’s overhead cost.
Using the high low technique, what is the variable cost per unit (to the nearest $ 0.01) expressed in current year price?
A. $3.22
B. $4.13
C. $4.65
D. $5.06
解析:將兩年前的Overhead costs調整到現在的價格水平下,即=3700*(155/121)=4739.67。高低點求出y=a+bx中的b,即=(13000-4739.67)/(3000-1000)=4.13
An investment centre earns a return on investment of 18% and a residual income of $300000. The cost of capital is 15%. A new project offers a return on capital employed of 17%.
If the new project were adopted, what would happen to the investment centre’s return on investment and residual income?
Return on investment Residual income
A Increase Decrease
B Increase Decrease
C Decrease Decrease
D Decrease Increase
解析:新項目的ROCE 17%<投資中心的ROCE 18%,則投資新項目會造成投資中心部門整體ROCE的下降;但新項目的ROCE 17%>The cost of capital 15%;RI=Controllable profit-Controllable interest=Capital employed*17%- Capital employed*15%>0;則投資新項目會造成投資中心部門整體RI的上升。
A company calculates the following under a standard absorption costing system.
(i) The sales volume margin variance
(ii) The total fixed overhead variance
(iii) The total variable overhead variance
If a company changed to a standard marginal costing system, which variances could change in value?
A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. (i) and (ii) only
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
解析:(i)在AC下是Sales volume profit variance,在MC下是Sales volume contribution variance;(ii)在AC下是等于Fixed OH expenditure variance加上Fixed OH volume variance,在MC下只有Fixed OH expenditure variance。
A company has the following budgeted costs and revenues:($ per unit)
Sales price 50
Variable production cost 18
Fixed production cost 10
In the most recent period, 2,000 units were produced and 1,000 units were sold. Actual sales price, variable production cost per unit and total fixed production costs were all as budgeted. Fixed production costs were over-absorbed by $4,000. There was no opening inventory for the period.
What would be the reduction in profit for the period if the company has used marginal costing rather than absorption costing?
A. 4,000
B. 6,000
C. 10,000
D. 14,000
解析:考察AC和MC下利潤調整公式AC=MC+OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory); Opening inventory + Production-Sales = Closing inventory;
得出Closing inventory- Opening inventory= Production-Sales=2000-1000=1000;最終AC-MC= OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory)=10*1000=10000。MC= AC-OAR*(Closing inventory-Opening inventory)=26000-10*1000=16000
The following data relates to a company’s overhead cost.
Using the high low technique, what is the variable cost per unit (to the nearest $ 0.01) expressed in current year price?
A. $3.22
B. $4.13
C. $4.65
D. $5.06
解析:將兩年前的Overhead costs調整到現在的價格水平下,即=3700*(155/121)=4739.67。高低點求出y=a+bx中的b,即=(13000-4739.67)/(3000-1000)=4.13
An investment centre earns a return on investment of 18% and a residual income of $300000. The cost of capital is 15%. A new project offers a return on capital employed of 17%.
If the new project were adopted, what would happen to the investment centre’s return on investment and residual income?
Return on investment Residual income
A Increase Decrease
B Increase Decrease
C Decrease Decrease
D Decrease Increase
解析:新項目的ROCE 17%<投資中心的ROCE 18%,則投資新項目會造成投資中心部門整體ROCE的下降;但新項目的ROCE 17%>The cost of capital 15%;RI=Controllable profit-Controllable interest=Capital employed*17%- Capital employed*15%>0;則投資新項目會造成投資中心部門整體RI的上升。
A company calculates the following under a standard absorption costing system.
(i) The sales volume margin variance
(ii) The total fixed overhead variance
(iii) The total variable overhead variance
If a company changed to a standard marginal costing system, which variances could change in value?
A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. (i) and (ii) only
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
解析:(i)在AC下是Sales volume profit variance,在MC下是Sales volume contribution variance;(ii)在AC下是等于Fixed OH expenditure variance加上Fixed OH volume variance,在MC下只有Fixed OH expenditure variance。