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    2021-06-29 14:47:56 451 瀏覽




      1) 拿到一個近一頁半A4紙的案例分析,同學們可以先花2秒冷靜一下,平復心情。


      例如:Jungle Co的題目“Discuss the financial and non-financial performance of Jungle Co for the year ending 31 August 20X6. ” 考察重點在“討論”而非“計算”,所以計算只有7分,文字討論13分。

      2) 一定要讀完全部案例,聯系案例中所給的全部信息為自己做一個答題計劃。


      I. 找到你想要計算的數據,比如:sales,profit,profit margins等等,用高光筆在題目中標記出來。

      II. 找到你要用來做比較的標準,比如:當前的數據是與前一個時期比較?與目標進行比較?與行業平均值進行比較?與競爭對手比較?等等

      III. 計算差異或變化,比如:投訴率從6%增加到12%,在陳述發生的變化時不應該說投訴率增加了6%,而是應該說投訴率比上一期增加了100%。要突出的是一個相對的變化,而非絕對數值。同樣地,如果收入從$1million變為$2million,應該陳述的變化是百分比的形式,增長了100%。

      IV. 基于計算結果給出自己的意見:為什么會發生這樣的變化?給出可能的原因。這里的“可能的原因”是要聯系案例分析的,如果不能聯系案例信息而憑空捏造是不會得分的。比如,Jungle Co 在household revenue上出現了5.3%的下滑,這有可能是因為從Slabak進口的產品質量不良導致的。這些都是案例分析已經給的現成答案。


      V. 文章的最后別忘了寫一個兩句話的總結,總結就是直接回答問題,不需要再計算,直接回答這個公司到底是做好了還是沒做好。


      同學們可以先看看Jungle Co這道題的官方答案


      要寫成參考答案這樣子,是不可能的,至少對于99.9%的PM中國考生來說,是不可能的,排除極少數考ACCA的雅思9分大神。ACCA官方也沒有期盼大家寫成標準答案的樣子。以下這份Jungle Co的答案是官方technical article中所說的“good answer”. 大家可以先看看:




      15% increase in total revenue

      This is a good sign. It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because 'prices are stable', and/or the new cloud service is expanding. But, we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this (see below).

      32.7% increase in net margin

      This is excellent sign. It’s linked to the lower cost of sales from Slabak imports and the launch of cloud computing, which is probably a higher-margin product (for example, no distribution costs for IT services).

      60.5% increase in admin expenses

      This is a problem because admin costs are usually fixed. This is linked to the big increase in customer service costs, which, in turn, is probably related to the lower quality of the new supplier which is causing more complaints (see below).

      5.3% drop in household goods revenue

      This is a worrying sign – it could be linked to the possible drop in quality from the Slabak imports.

      28.3% change in electronic goods revenue

      This is another positive signal. It shows that Jungle is outperforming the average market growth of 20%, which means they are gaining market share.

      225% increase in late deliveries

      This is a major problem. It‘s linked to the move to in-house logistics. Clearly Jungle Co can’t match the quality of the external, international suppliers. Jungle Co needs to address this as it threatens future growth of the business.

      300% increase in % of customers who complain

      This is another major problem. It’s linked to both the outsourcing of production to Slabak, and the move to in-house logistics (mentioned above). Clearly Jungle Co has serious internal process problems that will negatively affect their reputation.


      We see mostly good news from the financial indicators: sales, margins, and profits are generally increasing. However, the non-financial information paints a different picture as we see serious problems emerging with Jungle Co’s quality and logistics. Jungle Co needs to address these issues if they want their financial success to continue in the long term.

      我們首先來看看關于數據變化的分析是怎么寫的。每一個數據改變都用一個自然段來寫,這樣會很清晰,容易拿分。首先,用你計算出來的改變量作為標題,比如“15% increase in total revenue”。其次,給出你的意見,這個改變是好是壞?,比如“This is a good sign”,這個觀點本身是不得分的,一定要解釋原因,比如“It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because 'prices are stable', and/or the new cloud service is expanding. But, we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this (see below).” 圖解如下:




      1. 看calculation的分值,比如,Jungle Co計算7分,那就挑7個數據,正如”good answer”也只用了7個數據。

      2. 7個數據應該來自不同的績效評估領域,比如:財務/非財務,生產成本/管理成本。如果有N種產品的收入成本數據細分,應該每種產品挑一兩個數據。例如,“good answer”中挑選的7個指標都是分布在以上各個領域當中的。因為考試評分是按照各個評估的領域來給分的,比如“一個領域最高4分”,所以,這種方式可以幫助“求過”的同學盡可能多拿分數。對于大神級別的同學,請逐個數據一一作答,畢竟,你背負著老師和同學的希望。

      對于文章最后的conclusion,同學們可用兩句話總結之前計算的數據, 如“good answer”中的 “overall,…”。

      最后再說一些考試的評分標準,ACCA考試適用“own figure rule”,也就是說,如果你某一步的計算錯誤是由于之前的數據算錯了導致的,這一步不會扣分,只會扣最開始算出錯那一步的分,所以,寶寶們不要浪費時間在檢查數據上,即便你覺得自己算錯了,就用錯的數據進行討論吧,我相信大多數人考試時間是很緊張的。


    2020-11-06 15:00:10 2073 瀏覽



      首先,要明確一個大前提,Hofstede關注的是culture and nationality,也就是national culture國家文化對企業文化的影響。


      1.Power distance 權力距離型,即社會中對于“權力分配不均等”的接受程度,或者說,社會中權力分配的分散或集中程度。

      (1)High power distance 對權力大小不均等的接受程度高,可以接受權力掌握在少數有才能的人手中,這就可以對應centralisation集權的特點。For example:A Co. has a clear top-down chain of command, managers are autocratic and closely supervise employees.

      (2)Low power distance 不能夠接受權力都集中在高層,對應decentralisation分權的特點。For example:B Co. has a flat organisation structure and a high level of employee participation in decision-making.

      2. Uncertainty avoidance 不確定性規避型,即對于風險和未知性的容忍程度。

      High uncertainty avoidance 對不確定因素的規避程度高,即不喜歡一切不確定的因素。For example:C Co. has a strict task structure with written

      (1)ules and regulations which are adhered to by all employees. Dissent is not tolerated.

      (2)Low uncertainty avoidance 對不確定因素的規避程度低,即喜歡挑戰、創新、靈活的因素。For example:D Co. respects flexibility and creativity, more tolerance for deviance, risk and conflict.

      2. Individualism 個人主義型,即傾向于以個人或集體來定義自己的程度。

      (1)High individualism 獨行俠,喜歡一個人做事情,并且可以自己承擔責任和后果。For example:E Co. focuses on autonomy of its employees. Task achievement is seen as more important than working relationships. The company is impersonal and defends its business interests.

      (2)Low individualism(Collectivism集體主義者)需要別人的肯定,在乎人際關系。For example:F Co. focuses on interdependence and reciprocal obligation.

      3. Masculinity 男性化特征,即社會成員對于“決斷力和物質成功”或“感性和人際關系”的偏好程度。

      (1)High masculinity 行為處事都符合男性化特征,自信、果斷、追求財富和成功。For example:Workers in G Co. are assertiveness, competition and decisiveness, desiring for material wealth and possessions.

      (2) Low masculinity 行為處事都符合女性化特征Femininity,謙遜、溫柔、認為人際關系比金錢更重要。For example:H Co. has a focus on good working relationships between employees and seeks consensus on all business decisions.

      這里有一個需要同學們注意的地方!雖然low individualism 和low masculinity都認為personal relationship更重要,但是不同的是前者更側重需要維護好社會人際關系,工作需要別人的肯定;后者更側重不傷害別人的感情。


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